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Le Vieux Murier : le jeune domaine plein d'avenir de Florian Buit

le-vieux-murier-florian-buit-crozes-hermitageAt Vieux Mûrier, Florian Buit makes great Northern Rhône wines in the Crozes-Hermitage white and Croze Hermitage red appellations.

Already highly experienced at 26, he trained in Beaune. His career was marked by a decisive meeting with Jean-Louis Chave. It was with this prestigious Rhône Valley winemaker that he completed his apprenticeship and made his first wines. He then moved to Australia for a more eclectic (and less elitist :-) education.

He then returned to the family farm (producing fruit, including grapes for the Tain l'Hermitage cooperative winery). Aware of the unique potential of his terroir (soil and exposure), and supported by his “mentor” Jean-Louis Chave, he initiated his first “personal” bottlings: Le Vieux Mûrier was born with the 2018 vintage: 3,000 bottles of white Crozes Hermitage and 3,000 of red Crozes Hermitage. In view of the success, these quantities have been doubled for 2019.

A brand-new estate to discover!

Notre sélection des vins du domaine Le Vieux Murier

- Crozes Hermitage blanc 

- Crozes Hermitage rouge 

Consultez notre sélection de Grands Vins du domaine Le Vieux Murier :

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